sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2009

The Rules of the International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2009 Florean Museum - Celestino Neto

Xilogravura - Auto - Retrato "Celestino Neto"

Xilogravura - "Maternity"

Xilogravura - "Lover"

Xilogravura - " Caixa II" - "CXII"

Lineogravura - " Enquadramento"

Monotipia - " Abstrato I "
Monotipia - " Abstrato I "

Monotipia - " Fish "

Monotipia - " Vermelho e Preto "

Essa foram minha participação para exposição de gravura no Florean Museum, organizada por Mr. Victor Florean,

This had been my participation for exposition of engraving in the Florean Museum, organized for Mr. Victor Florean,

The Rules of the International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2009

(The eleven edition)

The eleven edition of the International Small Engraving Salon is

organized by Mr. Victor Florean, the president of the cultural

foundation of contemporary art "Florean Museum". "Florean

Museum" is a foundation which sustains and finances all forms of

contemporary art. These actions of global culture as definition are not

seeking to create or sustain a certain international movement. They

can be defined as an act of reflection of a creating world. They are

those actions which demonstrate that today's art remains one of the

freest mind areas in the society.

Article 1

The eleven edition of the International Small Engraving Salon

Carbunari 2009 is a contest with prizes, and it promotes and sustains

the classic printing techniques of engraving.

The contest is theme free, in order to allow the artists to choose

that specific sector of creation that he or she considers to be most

representative for himself or herself. In order to allow the jury an

objective judgement, each artist will present five works of small

engraving. The longest side of the engraving will not exceed 17 cm.

The dimension refers to the image.

Serigraphy, photo, drawing, computer-art are not accepted.

On the back of the engravings will be written (legible) in pencil:

• the artist’s name and address;

• the title;

• the technique;

• the dimensions;

• the year.

Each engraving will be signed by the artist on the front side and

will include the classic details: copy, title, signature.

Article 2

The engravings will be sent by mail in proper package. The

works, together with the artists' CV must be sent to the organizers

until the 20th of April 2009 at the following address:


P.O. BOX 1 Of. Postal Of. 9

430510 BAIA MARE



The vernisage of the International Small Engraving Salon 2009

will take place on the 27th of June 2009, at 12:00 o’clock in the


Article 3

The contest has three prizes:

• the first prize in the value of US$ 1,500 (one thousand five

hundred U.S. dollars);

• the second prize in the value of US$ 1,000 (one thousand U.S.


• and the third prize consisting in US$ 500 (five hundred U.S.


The jury is formed by: PAVEL SUSARA, art critic, president of the

jury, VICTOR FLOREAN, the president of Florean Museum, MIRCEA

BOCHIS, painter, sculptor and engraver, the curator of the

International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari. Also, the winners of

the three prizes of the International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari

2008 are invited to take part of the jury for this year's edition of the


The winning artists of each edition of the Salon are always invited

to be members of the jury for the next edition of the International

Small Engraving Salon Carbunari. This practice has become a tradition

of the salons organized by Florean Museum.

The prizes of the winners of the tenth edition of the International

Small Engraving Salon (2008) will be handed by Mr. Victor Florean,

the president of Florean Museum, at the vernisage of the eleven edition

of the Salon. The awarded artists of the previous edition of the salon

will have a group exhibition in Baia Mare and they are offered an

eight days trip to Baia Mare.

The organizers reserve the right to give other prizes or awards and

to organize personal exhibitions for the selected artists. For further

details, the organizers will contact each artist separately.

Article 4

All the works sent by the artists will be published on Internet, to

the site of FLOREAN MUSEUM: The organizing

committee has chosen to publish the exhibition on Internet so that the

access to be worldwide. The tenth edition of the International Small

Engraving Salon will be on internet for ever. The exhibition can be

visited at organizers reserve the right to edit a

compact disc and a catalogue with the exhibition of the International

Small Engraving Salon 2009.

Article 5

The international Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2009 will be

exposed in the most important centres from Romania and abroad.

The works sent by the artists to the Salon will complete Florean

Museum's collection of contemporary art, which is conceived as an

open workshop for the study of the contemporary engraving in the


The basic conception of Florean Museum is the two ways of

communication: from the museum to the artist and from the artist to

the museum.

The works sent by the artists become the property of the Florean

Museum. These works will constitute the base for continuing the

artistic dialogue through organizing group exhibitions according to

artistic affinities. Each exhibition organized will be presented on

Internet at the specified address.

Article 6

The organizers reserve the right to make reproductions of the

works in order to edit the publications of the Salon or in any other


The artists who participate must accept all the conditions of the

Rules of the International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2009. The

engravings sent by the artists for the participation at the International

Small Engraving Salon constitutes the acceptance of the conditions

stipulated in the present Rules. For further information, please contact

the curator of the exhibition:


Mircea Bochis

Curator of the International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari

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